Farmed to Perfection

Our Farm Produce
We are specialist growers of premium quality fresh Herbs, Leafy Greens and Vegetables.
Our Aqauponics facility produces 25 tonnes of produce every month throughout the year. Everything is grown sustainable in an ecosystem and without any harmful Pesticides, its just better than organic.
Our team is passionate and dedicated to bring these produce to wherever you are in the world.
Our mission is to export our brilliant produce to all over the world ensuring you a tasty, healthy and a homely meal.
We feel incredibly lucky that we get to do what we love. We’d love for you to take part in the experience.
Tasty and Healthy Produce for a Better Tomorrow
Our Certifications
All our produce are grown and packed to meet the highest agriculture and food safety standards

Global Good Agriculture Practice

Food Safety System Certification 22000

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Certification

British Retail Consortium

ISO 22000
Food Safety Management System

Good Manufacturing

Sri Lanka Good
Agriculture Practice
Our Products
Food Safety Certified, Grown Sustainable with a Low Water Footprint, Pesticide Free, NON GMO, Grown from Organic Seeds and Better than Organic
Culinary Herbs
Aromatic premium culinary herbs to elevate any dish in the kitchen. Its yours to choose from Genovese Basil, Sweet Thai Basil, Flat Leaf Parsley, Cilantro, Asian herbs and many more varieties...

Cucumber & Cherry Tomato
Cool and robust cumbers and vibrant cherry tomato bringing your taste buds sweet and tangy flavours.
Premium crunchy tasty lettuce. Giving you a beautiful selection of Butterhead, Red Oakleaf, Romaine, Frisee and many more...

Tuscan Kale & other Leafy Greens
We offer a wide range of leafy greens and vegetables for your lifestyle.
Kale, Spinach, Pac Choi is grown with love, so our food looks better, smells better, and tastes better and its better than organic.
Get in touch!
(+94) 11 295 1631

A.A.Millan Christopher
t: +94-779090090
Minol Crescent De Silva
Director of Project Management
Send us your Enquiry!